Thursday, September 27, 2007

Crash Back Down to Earth

I wrote this last Friday and forgot to post it:

After the early success of yesterday I decided to play in another $4 rebuy tournament for a $56 seat. I was in for 6 buy-ins and was not able to get a big stack going. I busted out in 24th (top 12 got seats). I then signed-up for a $8.80 HORSE satellite. I ended up busting in the 11th level about 6 seats short of getting a $48 (or something like that) seat. I then played the same $4 rebuy from yesterday and was in for a total of 8-9 buy-ins. At one point in the rebuy period I had an open ended straight draw, 2nd nut flush draw and two overcards vs an underpair and missed everything. That’s 18 pulls of the deck twice. I was able to get a stack of around $4k though and right before the break I took a brutal beat. I flopped top top and shoved. Middle pair called and he hit his 5 outer in the turn. I think I lasted about 3 hands after the break when my J,J was up against A,10 and lost. Enough of the satellites.

I decided to play some Stud8 but got bored really fast for some reason. After blowing through a half buy-in at $1/$2 I decided to play some $0.25/$0.50 NL. I slowly built up to around $58 and then picked up AhKh in middle position. I called a raise to $2.50. Someone behind me made it $7.50 and I knew he was light. The original raiser shoves for around $50. Original raiser has K,K and the other has 9,9. Well you know an ace comes but I can’t play that hand. I am happy that I made a good decision. A little later I get Jd,2d in middle position and decide to limp. 4 to the flop of 9d,6d,3d. I bet pot ($2) and get one caller. Turn is a blank and I make a bet of $7.50. River pairs the 6. I bet $10 and get raised to $25. There is no way the 6 helped him. I shoved and he called with 9,6. I ended up going off for another ½ buy-in before I quit. I played a $27 turbo SNG and bubble. Well this day is sure turning to shit.

I think maybe changing sites will do me good. I start-up Full Tilt and decide to play the $24+$2 $28,000 guarantee at 10pm using one of my tokens. There is 1024 runners for a slight overlay. Tournament pays top180. They must have changed the structures of the tournaments lately because it was an awesome structure. 1500 to start, 10 minute levels but it was very slow. I picked-up nothing in the first hour except for J,J and called a short stack of 700’s shove. He had 8,8 a weak ace and I won. At the 1 hour break we were down to around 500 people and I had 2100. In the second hour I get two good hands and that’s it. My 9,9 all-in was better than 7,7 and I also had 9,9 and doubled through a larger stack when I flopped a set. At the second hour break we are 11 from the money and I have around 6000. I played tight in the 3rd hour still and won the blinds a couple of time when I get Q,Q UTG. I have $4500 left playing 300/600. I could shove here but I need to take a chance to get a stack going. The player to my immediate left raises to 2400 leaving 1200 behind. A big stack calls and its folded back to me and I shove for rest of mu chips making it 4500. The shorter stack instantly calls as expected. The big stack though for almost all of his time bank and with those pot odds I don’t blame him for calling with A,3. The shorter stack had KcQc. Flop comes 2 clubs, turn blank and river Ace and I am out in 109th place good for $42. Not bad but could have been so much better. If I win that pot I am up to 13,500 and a top 30 stack. Whatayagonnado. End of the night for me, 5 hours till I have to leave for the airport.

Up and down day. Hopefully tomorrow goes smoother. Gambit’s home game on Friday. I played loose and bad last time. I am gonna tighten up a bit and try and grind out a profit in the cash game. Who knows what the SNG will be like. I need a cash though. My lifetime stats in his SNG’s is a profit/loss of exactly $0.00. I am up in the cash games. The only loss in the cash games I can remember was last time.

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