Friday, July 27, 2007

Interesting Hand

OK I promised one of the hands from the wind 2/5 game, here it is.

There are a few limpers and a late position player raises to $30 and one of the limpers called. The flop comes 8,6,4 rainbow. The caller checks and the other player shoves for around $200. The caller calls off all of his chips with 6,5, Middle pair and a gutter ball. The raiser shows 8,8. The turn, you guessed it, is a 7. The river brought a 5 for a chopped pot.

Yep, it was that bad.

I played an 11 hour session last night including a $125 tournament where I lasted 3 hands. This will be a good one, I promise. I will post it up after my son goes to bed tonight.

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